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Spectator and parental influence

When does it go too far? 

Needless to say, parents play a big role in the lives of young athletes. The way kids are treated at home can affect the way they act on and off the playing field.  Usually, the parents will raise their kid similar to how they were raised back in the day.  If the parent was pushed too hard as a child, it is likely that the parent will inflict the same pressure on his or her own child athlete.  Because parents are loading this stress on the youths, it is easy to see the player act aggressively when he or she fails. More specifically, when the parents are spectators in the crowd, nervousness and frustration can significantly alter the youth's performance. Studies have also shown that as the level of play increases, so does the intensity of the behavior from parents.  For example, a basketball game at the collegiate level may stir more passionate and furious fans/parents than a game at the local gym.  

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